
Our vision


“ Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Our vision is to see a revival in Europe that will last for generations. Our mission is to catalyze the movement of God in Europe

● by supporting both new wineskins for a new wine as well as ‘old things’ into which God is breathing new life


  • Christ centered, Spirit led, God’s Kingdom focus
  • Redemptive collaboration of givers, ministries and church leaders
  • Relational approach instead of a transactional one


We understand the role of Catalytic similarly as a catalyst is understood in chemistry – a substance speeding up a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. It helps decrease the activation energy required to initiate the reaction, thereby facilitating the conversion of reactants into products. The catalyst remains unchanged chemically during the reaction and can therefore be reused.

„Catalytic“ wants to help accelerate the movement of God in Europe without being ‘consumed’ in the process or become ‘embedded’ in the individual projects/initiatives, thus being able to be ‘reused’ for the same purpose.

A catalyst plays a role similar to a gardener in an orchard or a forest. He is not a part of any tree, but makes sure the whole ecosystem is thriving.

Our convictions

New wineskins

  • New ministry initiatives where there is a significant momentum (God is moving through them powerfully) and that are having a huge impact on the landscape of Europe in terms of cultivating the ground for a revival.
  • New ways of collaboration among
  • Ministries / ministries & church leaders collaborating in areas in which they have synergy in approaching areas where God is moving powerfully
  • Ministries, experts, church leaders & Kingdom funders

Systemic change – by working jointly towards a systemic change, we can make a significant lasting impact on the European socio-economic environment, by which the ground will be more cultivated for the new thing/ new wineskins to grow that have the potential to carry God’s movement and a revival (part of the systemic change is also the forming of a generous mindset of the young generation towards Kingdom generosity).

New character of collaboration

● Redemptive Collaboration as a New Wineskin for a New Season

God, bring about a REDEMPTIVE COLLABORATION between the Kingdom-minded givers and ministries that will have a game-changing impact on God’s Kingdom in Europe. May you bring an acceleration of your movement in Europe through this new nature of a Kingdom collaboration that will ultimately lead up to a revival.

Whether we come from a business/marketplace or a ministry background, we are all part of the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD of our King Jesus. Each one of us is both the King & Priest and a friend of God! We are all equal in God’s sight, but each one of us has a different role in His Kingdom. This means that each one of us has our own unique position in God’s Kingdom that comes with a unique assignment.

We believe that the acceleration of His movement in Europe ultimately leading up to a revival will take a new nature of collaboration between those in the frontlines of the Gospel work and those positioned in the marketplace (people of various resources and influence). We believe that our positioning in God’s Kingdom enables us to play our unique part in the advancement of His Kingdom on earth as we partner with His Spirit who invites us to co-labor with Him.

As we come together in His name, we are invited to lay down our crowns at His feet.The throwing down of our crowns at His feet enables us to approach each other with a posture of humility and a heart willing to give back to Jesus what we hold dear, what’s valuable and what we consider ‚our best‘ – the first fruits of our lives – whether it’s skills, talents, abilities, influence, resources etc. We offer our best back to God as we give ourselves to Him wholeheartedly.

I believe this culture of honor among the royal priesthood as they each occupy a different role in God’s Kingdom (the ministry frontlines & the ministry supply lines) will activate a new divine nature of collaboration that will not have to remain being merely transactional, but will be embedded in mutual trust & submission, honor, and Kingdom equality & partnership between the funders and the ministries.

Our contact

ID: 21503460

Street: Emila Pajurka 142,
Zip: 739 11
City: Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Region: Moravian-Silesian
Country: Czech Republic

Registred in the Czech Republic (Spisová značka L 21376 vedená u Krajského soudu v Ostravě)

ID schránky: qwyg8wa

Bank account: 131-2765260217 / 0100
IBAN: CZ5001000001312765260217

Bank name: Komercni banka

Legal representatives:
Dana Drabinová –
Dušan Drabina –